Brooke Bond Taj Mahal, the premium tea brand from Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) on Thursday launched a new campaign at a grand ceremony in Agra with leading Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, actress Chitrangada Singh and Arun Srinivas, Category Head - Beverages, HUL.
For the first time ever, Saif Ali Khan showcased the ritual of drinking Taj Mahal tea with the exquisite Taj Mahal, as a befitting backdrop.
The event was a culmination of Saif's recent visits to Chandigarh and Hyderabad where he was not too happy with the tea he was served. When asked on both occasions about the kind of tea he liked, he stated that he would reveal the same at Agra.
Finally when the day arrived, Saif along with Arun Srinivas, unveiled the new advertising campaign which showcases Saif demonstrating the Taj Andaaz - the Smell, See and Savour ritual of Taj!
Saif then spoke about how tea drinking is a special experience for him and most significantly, how it engages all his senses.
Endorsing the association, Saif Ali Khan said, "This is a splendid moment for me. There could not have been a better place than this to unveil this campaign. I have a strong emotional attachment with the brand, since tea for me needs to engage all my senses which Taj Mahal tea does. Hence, I am delighted to be associated with Taj Mahal tea and to introduce you to this experience."
The new commercial also features actors Chitrangada Singh and Shriya Saran.
The new commercial featuring Saif Ali Khan accompanied by Chitrangada Singh in the north and Shriya Saran in the south will go on air shortly.
The campaign showcases Saif Ali Khan demonstrating the tea drinking ritual to both Chitrangada Singh and Shriya Saran, specifically emphasizing how it needs to be savoured and relished.
Friday, May 14, 2010 12:28 IST