John Abraham and Bipasha Basu sure know how to spread love among friends. Recently, this hot couple from the B-Town got Sapna Bhavnani all excited. They gifted her a Harman/Kardon high-performance music system.
They asked Sapna about the square footage of her Salon, Mad-O-Wot and got her this music machine.
Well now when she has got a system for her salon, she plays the requests for her clients! But when it comes to her choice ¦ Kailasa and instrumental stuff like drums and bass is what she prefers.
About Sapna Bhavnani
Sapna Bhavnani is a self-styled hairdresser and the owner of Mad-O-Wot hair salon, Mumbai. She styles a lot of celebs from B-Town, some of them include Sameera Reddy, Dino Morea, Koena Mitra, John Abraham and Bipasha Basu among others.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 13:03 IST