Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai, who in recent years wore western clothes at the Cannes Film Festival, will Monday walk down the red carpet at the gala event in an Indian outfit designed by Sabyasachi.
Until now she has walked the red carpet in western outfits at Cannes as she was there as part of an International team for Loreal, the brand she endorses, her spokesperson said.
"Aishwarya is there for Loreal year after year, and as per instructions she must wear international western designer wear, " the spokesperson told.
"This time since 'Raavan' Red Carpet is also an occasion at Cannes, she planned to wear an Indian dress for the event. Her dress is designed by Sabyasachi, " the spokesperson added.
Directed by Mani Ratnam, "Raavan" is said to be a modern adaptation of the epic "Ramayana". It also stars actor Abhishek Bachchan and southern superstar Vikram, who plays a policeman married to Aishwarya.
Aishwarya plays the lead role in both the Hindi and Tamil version of the film.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 13:23 IST