Cynics have heaved a sigh of relief after actor Vindoo Dara Singh was replaced as judge on Chak Dhoom Dhoom. The moment it was revealed that Vindoo will be judging Chak Dhoom Dhoom, critics expressed shock
that an actor, who seldom is known for his dancing skills, will be sitting alongside Saroj Khan and Ahmed Khan to judge a dance reality show.
Expectedly, poor Vindoo was hauled up at the show's press conference where each and every scribe asked just one question i.e. What is Vindoo doing here?
He was then described as one who will judge like an aam junta (common man). Mentors Bosco-Caesar, who now find themselves elevated to the jury panel, joked that Vindoo is an emotional person and the kids will
wipe his tears.
Now that Vindoo's out, the media ran stories of him being shown the door. However is that really the truth? Will Colors really do this to their Bigg Boss 3 champion?
The official line given by the actor is that he was contracted till the audition rounds only. However, is one really contracted for few episodes?
Anyway, what we're hearing is that the actor wasn't sacked but he himself opted out of the show.
Says a source, "Vindoo won Bigg Boss 3, a show where he simply had to be himself. Everyone would like to cash in to this fame which lasts even less than a year. Ideally, he'd like to use this fame to enhance his
non-existent Bollywood career. However, Chak Dhoom Dhoom is not the show for a Bigg Boss winner to adjudicate.
Though reluctant, he had contractual obligations. However, he soon realized that this show wasn't meant for him .The kind of emotions he displayed on Bigg Boss, weren't applicable to this show.
As a result,
he began to feel frustrated. So, he himself opted out of the show. Perhaps, the media criticisms too must have influenced his decision. Another theory is that Vindoo has already bagged a film."
Whatever the reason may be, one surely hasn't heard the last word on this saga.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 13:00 IST