TV actors Smiriti Kalra and Neil Bhatt, popularly known as Simmi and Abhi of Zee TV's serial "12/24 Karol Bagh", are using their celebrity status for a noble cause - they are creating awareness about hazards of
smoking among youngsters.
On World No Tobacco Day Monday, Smiriti and Niel flagged off a "Skeleton Squads" parade from the studios of 92.7 FM that toured the capital highlighting the hazards of smoking.
"While some youngsters see smoking as a style statement, others get into the habit of smoking under peer pressure. Because we also belong to the same generation we as friends would like to convey them not to fall
victim to such habits and be sensible, " said Neil.
Smiriti added: "People who smoke are reducing three minutes of life with each puff and those who are not smoking and just inhaling, are losing five minutes of their life with each puff. Some even say that stress keeps
them hooked on to the habit, there are many other ways to de-stress yourself then why put your life at risk."
The parade travelled from Great India Place in Noida to M-block market in Greater Kailash-1 and it will end at Ansal Plaza. The RJs of Big FM participated in the parade and interacted with the people telling them about
the ill-effects of smoking.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:35 IST