Actor Swapnil Joshi had been constantly featured on Sony TV's 'Comedy Circus Maha Sangram' and is now seen in 'Comedy Circus Ke Superstars'. Joshi had been continuously rocking the stage of Comedy Circus,
where he was seen recently clad in a saree, for several episodes.
We contacted Swapnil to know exactly why the act in saree repeated more than once and he laughingly said, "People always liked the acts done differently. So, we tried to do an act which is very different and which
even I have not tried and tested. And people loved it, they wanted to see me again in this attire and the act was again done with Ali Asgar."
"And thus, I was seen in 'saree mein saree paraag saree' (Laughs) more than once," replies humorously. So should audience expect some more saree act of yours, "Hmm, no, not so far, or else it will become
monotonous to see and there will be no spice in the act."
One thing is for sure Swapnil, your saree act will always be remembered!
Wednesday, June 02, 2010 14:29 IST