Amisha Patel will claim Rs 12 crores from her parents. The actress has hired high court lawyer Vibhav Krishna to sort out the legal wrangle. It is also learnt that her parents are consulting advocate Nitin Pradhan for the same case.
Earlier, the actress' father Amit Patel used to handle her finances while she was living with them. According to a close friend of Amisha, the problem began when Amisha enquired about her tax papers and bank account. They refused to give her any details, which upset the actress.
However, it is not only money matters that forced Amisha to walk out of her parental home. It is learnt that while the actress was in Singapore, her parents had threatened her with dire consequences. Fearing her safety and security, Amisha decided not to go back to her parent's home. However, industry sources insist that Amit Patel has mismanaged not only his daughter's money, but also his own. Many other creditors are demanding their money back from the man.
Amisha was penniless when she walked out of her house. The actress did not have a single flat to her name. Even her mobile phone has been registered under her father's name. "Imagine a gold medalist in Economics being completely fooled by her own parents," says a close friend.
They had not saved or invested even a penny of what she'd earned in the last five years. She had blind faith in her parents and look what happened to her. But she is a strong girl. She will fight back and get what is due to her," says another close friend.
After signing a few films, the actress has bought a car on loan and hired a flat at Lokhandwala. Some say Vikram Bhatt is to blame, since Amisha's parents did not approve of her relationship with the director.
"How can they blame Vikram Bhatt? He came into her life only two years ago and Amisha is asking for the money she earned in the last five years. Besides, she is grown up now, and knows what she is doing. If she has chosen Vikram as her life partner, why should anyone have a problem with her decision?" she asks.
Saturday, July 24, 2004 16:16 IST