One of the top producers in the Bollywood film industry Mukesh Bhatt celebrated his birthday on the 5th of June The producer who has given Bollywood some of the best movies of all time turned 58 on Saturday.
The younger brother of the renowned director-producer Mahesh Bhatt is currently busy with their latest project Crook. The movie is set against the racial discrimination against the Indians in Australia.
Though the crew of the film have had to overcome several obstacles while shooting for the film their spirits are remain high. Apparently, the unit members were very excited about Mukeshji's birthday.
Mahesh Bhatt posted a picture on a social networking site and titled it as, "Mukesh Bhatt being forced to celebrate his birthday by the over enthused unit members!"
We wishe him a very happy birthday too!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:18 IST