Doting dad Sunil Shetty has taken a month-long break from work. The actor flew to the USA last night with son Ahaan, daughter Athiya and wife Mana to look for the best universities for his beti.
Says a source, "The Shettys will be gone for a month. They spend a few days in London, then to go US to look for a suitable university for their 18-year-old girl." Sunil finished all his pending work before leaving as he'd
planned this trip many months ago.
Hands-on parents
The source adds, "Normally, the children take care of such things themselves but Sunil has always been a hands-on father and Mana and he want to be involved in the process. Says Sunil, "We have narrowed our list
to six universities. We will select one where Athiya is most happy and comfortable.
Though I am anxious about my daughter leaving home for the first time, I am confident she will hold her own. She has the correct upbringing and has enjoyed the best of both the worlds with her grandparents and
parents. I am confident of her as a person and she is very focused. Wherever she studies, she will shine."
The proud father goes on to add that Athiya will be graduating in course on Liberal Arts. "She is absolutely brillant in the dramatic field and I will support her in whatever she does. I just want my children to be happy in
Though we owned restaurants, my father persuaded me follow my dreams. I will urge my children to do the same. If Athiya wants to be an actress, I will support her." On returning to Mumbai, the actor will
be busy promoting his next release Red Alert.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 12:35 IST