For Shah Rukh Khan, the FIFA World Cup has a strong link to his late mother. The actor tweets: "I am emotional about FIFA.
My mom and me used to stay up and watch all nite...because we had got ourselves a TV and only soccer post Doordarshan... used to keep up all night watching Rudi Voller, Rumeinnege, Socrates and Maradona.
Mom & me, soccer & TV fans. Never miss matches and always miss mom."
Music composers Salim-Sulaiman, who have produced and composed a special Africa song for the FIFA World Cup 2010, are soaking in soccer's biggest moment in Johannesburg.
On Monday, they performed for the Smile Mandela Foundation followed by a show for the FIFA Players gala on Tuesday. They will also perform at the opening ceremony on June 10.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 13:11 IST