Smita Bansal, popularly known as Sumitra from 'Balika Vadhu' now, seems to be one busy woman these days. She not only has a show but also a play to do.
We got candid with her regarding films, television and theater and this is what she said "I love doing television the most out of the three and that is my priority at the moment."
When asked about why she has been playing such serious roles these days, she said "yes I know I am portraying a serious role in 'Balika.. 'but I am also doing a play in which I am playing a comic character. I was getting a bit bored of playing serious roles in the show constantly for two years and needed a change."
Talking about the much speculated leap in the show she said "I am not sure of it at all as I have not been informed officially.
Although, if my character happens to die in the future, the chances of which are vague, I would love to go on a 2 month vacation so that I can spend time with my six year old daughter. But getting a leave is very difficult at this point of time. Even if I apply for 5 days of leave, it gets cut down to 2 by my director, unfortunately" laughs Smita.
The audience sure is waiting to watch what will happen on 'Balika..' next. But one thing is certain; we will sure miss Smita if she happens to go out of sight. The rest we will just have to wait and watch!
Friday, June 11, 2010 12:29 IST