For his starrer Happi directed by Bhavna Talwar, where Pankaj Kapoor plays the Charlie Chaplinesque role of homeless tramp in Mumbai, most of the dialogues and sounds have been captured live. However some vital portions of the brilliant actor's lines had to be dubbed in a studio.
Since Kapoor had to leave for Scotland to shoot for his first directorial venture it was suggested that he dub the vital lines in Edinburgh at one of the poshest post-production studios in the world.
This week Pankaj Kapoor created recording history by being the first Indian actor to dub at the Cannongate Studio in Edinburgh.
Speaking on behalf of Pankaj Kapoor, the film's producer Sheetal Talwar said, "This is the studio where Sean Connery dubs for all his films. We needed to dub just a handful of Pankajji's lines.So we decided, why not do it at one at of the best post-production studios in the world since we were shooting right next to it."
Pankaj Kapoor was accompanied to the world-famous recording studio by his son Shahid Kapoor who wanted to get a feel of the way voices are dubbed in a studio that has recorded Connery's baritone for decades.
Friday, June 11, 2010 12:38 IST