Plagiarism is bothering Bollywood's renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra. Soon he will be getting a copyright for his creations and will ask designers to follow his way. If it happens, it would be the first time that
someone unites the entire Indian Fashion Industry against plagiarism.
The fashion industry is growing quickly in India. But it lacks both discipline and originality. Quite often, we get to see designers directly lift from another designer's creation. But there is no authority or governing body in
the industry to keep a check or take legal actions against them.
Manish Malhotra is very offended with this situation and has decided to take proper steps to stop this practice. He says that he has been severely affected by plagiarism. He also adds that a designer's creation is an
essence of success, and it becomes very difficult for the designer to survive if it gets stolen.
He admits that the industry needs a governing body to keep an eye on people lifting other's designs. He says that he is going to get a copyright for all his designs and signature and will also ask other designers to do
the same. He believes that this is the only way, to detect the guilty, and take proper legal steps. He thinks that this will set an example.
Manish has also designed a costume for Sri Lanka's cricket team captain Sangakkara as he got to walk the ramp at the IIFA Award ceremony held in Colombo this year.
Friday, June 11, 2010 13:37 IST