Actor Emraan Hashmi has zeroed in on a home away from home at his favourite place in the world, Goa. No, he is not shifting his base from Mumbai, but he is making sure his 'shoot free' days are taken care
The 'serial kissr' has bought himself a four storey, fully furnished penthouse in Goa.
The house is equipped with a gym, swimming pool, private garden and a terrace. The beauty of the house is the unrestricted view of the sea, which is what impressed Emraan a lot.
"Yes I have purchased a house in Goa. Whenever I get a week or more off days from shoot, I'll fly down to Goa and unwind there. I'll be getting possession of the property by the end of this year. So I guess New Year's
celebration will be with family and friends in Goa, " says Emraan.
For a long time Emraan's love for trance music and beaches has been taking him to Goa, once in every couple of months. This way he has made sure that whenever he is stressed or overworked, all he needs to do is
just head home... to Goa!
So now with a new Vacation House, don't be surprised if Emraan is found shooting or relaxing most of the time in Goa, as heart is where the home is.
Saturday, June 12, 2010 11:57 IST