Debut director Abhishek Sharma, whose has made "Tere Bin Laden" - a satire on the world's most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden, has been receiving mysterious blank calls at night from an unrecognisable
"I have been getting blank calls in the middle of the night these days. Not that I am taking them too seriously and not that I am scared, but they (the calls) just end up making me curious. But I am not really trying to
find out who it is, " Abhishek told over phone from Mumbai.
What if it's an associate of Osama?
"Now you are scaring me, " he said, and added that he is not worried about the calls as he feels he has been very honest about the content of his film.
"We have been very clear that the film is not insensitive. We have been very cautious with what we have made and I hope everyone takes it in good humour, " he added.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:34 IST