Sanjay Dutt, also known as 'Sanju Baba' among his fans, is flying high these days. The beloved Munnabhai is going to be a proud father of twin babies in the beginning of 2011. Confirming the news, Dutt said, "God
has listened to our prayers, I am very happy."
This is going to be a double bonanza for Sanjay, who already has a daughter named Trishala from his first marriage to Richa Sharma.
Manyata Dutt is reported to be three months pregnant already. Earlier, the actor had expressed his aspiration to become a dad again while addressing various press conferences.
Dutt is very much excited to have twin babies but he is worried about the health of his wife as he needs to be out of India for two weeks in June. He will be traveling the interiors of Morocco, Istanbul and Turkey for his
home production, Rascals, which also stars Ajay Devgan.
However, he has assured that all his friends and family members take good care of the would be mother in his absence.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 13:02 IST