Bollywood actor Jackky Bhagnani, who is doing his second film with choreographer-turned-director Remo D'Souza after bagging the best debut award at the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA), says the movie is not just about dance, but a lot more.
"Even though 'F.A.L.T.U' is being directed by a choreographer, it is not a film about dance or a film where unnecessary dance sequences are incorporated. It is lot more than that, " Jackky told in an interview.
"It's a very different and real film where a bunch of youngsters do things their way and show the world that even though they don't follow the age old methods, they can still do things the right way, " he said.
The film, which stars newcomer Pooja Gupta and actor Angad Bedi among others, is being produced by Jackky's father Vashu Bhagnani.
Jackky plays a boy-next-door in the film, someone who is a rebel, but in a positive way.
The 25-year-old actor started his career with "Kal Kissne Dekha", but the film failed to set the cash registers ringing at the box office. Jackky feels that the main problem with his debut film was the script.
"I learnt a lot from my first film. I realised that even if you perform well or the budget of the film is big, ultimately what matters most is the script. In 'Kal Kissne Dekha' my character was quite hard to believe and that was the problem, " he revealed.
"Now I know that people want to see closer to life characters and believable scripts. Hence my next film is very realistic and relatable, " he added.
"F.A.L.T.U" is slated to hit screens in December and is being shot all over Mumbai.
Jackky said even though it is easier for him to be in the industry because of his father, the fact is that he goes through struggle too.
"People feel that it was a cakewalk for me to enter the industry. But the fact is that it wasn't. I had to struggle too and I still do. My first film didn't work, so now I'm working hard on my next film. My father's presence in the industry didn't guarantee success to me, " he said.
When asked if he would divert his attention to direction or production as his father owns production house, Pooja Films, the actor said that eventually he will get into that.
"Since I'm the only child, I will takeover our business eventually. I have the infrastructure, few years down the line, I will surely get into it, " said Jackky, who earlier assisted in films like "Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein", "Silsilay" and "Wadaa".
Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:20 IST