Despite making his debut in Bollywood films with Mani Ratnam's "Raavan", actor Vikram says he wants to concentrate
on Tamil films.
"I want to concentrate on Tamil films. I am not really taken up by the fact that I have to do a film in Bollywood because
then I'll have to compromise on my career in Tamil cinema. For that matter, if a good script comes my way, I'll do it
irrespective of the language whether it is Bengali or even Bhojpuri, " said Vikram.
TheTamil superstar insists his Hindi has become more fluent, thanks to the movie.
"This is one film where my Hindi has improved the maximum because I had an associate who would not speak to me in
any other language other than Hindi. For one-and-a-half years, I have been speaking to him in broken, half-baked Hindi, "
he said.
Thursday, June 24, 2010 12:55 IST