Bollywood heroines Priyanka Chopra, Kareena Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Raveena Tandon, Isha Koppikar, Karshima
Kapoor, Amrita Arora and Kim Sharma have been trained in martial by Chitah Yajness – whether it is for a film or for
personal fitness.
Yajness Shhety believes that Girl's body is more flexible and pliable so it is easy for girl to learn martial arts. About his
latest trainees Claudia Ciesla, he has only words of praises, "She has worked very hard. She is never late and put their
hearts into the training. Martial arts depends on one's dedication and practice."
Claudia Ciesla is learning martial art and action from Yajness Shetty. To further develop her personality she is doing
meditation and Yoga.
She Says, "It has helped me in everything whether it is on professional or personal level. I
feel more confident and healthy. My body responds positively to every challenge. I suggest Martial art, Yoga and
meditation to everyone."
Who the bollywood beauty will be Chitah Yajness's next student – we will have to wait to know.
Thursday, June 24, 2010 13:06 IST