Deepika Padukone will be one of the two heroines in Desi Boyz, the directorial debut of Rohit Dhawan, son of David Dhawan. Produced by Eros, the film stars Akshay Kumar and John Abraham.
Though Chitrangada Singh was finalised for the project, there has been buzz that they have now settled for Lara Dutta instead.
On the last day off shooting for Break Ke Baad, Deepika Padukone along with Shahana Goswami went skydiving. The actress tweets: "Guess where I'm headed skydiving!! Rats in my stomach again!"
And after the experience she says, "OMG! I'm numb! Speechless! What an experience... feeling fearless now! Bring it on."
Thursday, June 24, 2010 14:11 IST