India's ace spinner Harbhajan Singh has broken up with his long time girlfriend Geeta Basra. The duo were going steady for a while and Bhajji even introduced Geeta to her family in Jalandhar just a few days back.
But things seems to have taken an ugly turn after that. We hear that it was Singh who called off the relationship. Differences cropped up between the couple after a trivial and turned into big issue. Geeta is said to be having hard time, coping with the break-up. However, she is determined to concentrate on her acting career now that she is single again.
Confirming the break-up, a friend of Geeta's told, "Harbhajan called off the relationship. He is now going around telling friends that he is looking for a new girlfriend."
However they still talk to each other. "There is no animosity at all. It's just that they are no more a couple. The incompatibility levels rose to irreconcilable proportions. Things spiralled out of hand," he adds
Friday, June 25, 2010 19:35 IST