Mahesh Manjrekar has vowed to give up acting. But his new best-friend Salman Khan keeps coaxing Manjrekar back to the camera. For Salman's home production Dabangg Manjrekar stepped into the role of
debutante Sonakshi Sinha's father on Salman say-so.
That was meant to be Manjrekar's swan song as an actor.
But now he has again been persuaded to face the camera with Salman for Anees Bazmi's Ready.
The funniest part of the director's enforced career as an actor is, he doesn't know what his role in Ready is.
Says Mahesh, "Salman said you have to do it. I know I decided I won't be acting any more. But you can't say no to Salman. He said, 'You're in Ready and you're part of my family in the film. Beyond that all I know is I
play a positive role for a change
Monday, June 28, 2010 12:50 IST