Bollywood's favourite fashion designer is on a high after working on his nephew Punit Malhotra's directorial debut "I Hate Love Storys" (IHLS), which is receiving positive reviews after its release Friday.
"'IHLS' has made me feel very young - working on it and after seeing the film... On a high at the overwhelming response to 'IHLS'... Yash Chopra-ji called to say he loved 'IHLS': Imran, Sonam, Punit and my work, " Malhotra posted on Twitter.
The designer, who has designed Sonam's stylish look for the film, is fed up of clarifying that the film's director is not his brother. But says he loves the comment.
"Punit is not my brother, he is my nephew but (I) love it when people say we look like brothers, " he added.
He is now working on Aishwarya's look for Tamil film "Robot". Next on his stress platter is the Delhi Couture Week, starting July 20. He will be opening the first of its kind event in the capital.
Monday, July 05, 2010 11:07 IST