Mumbai's deluge has just claimed its first Bollywood casualty. Madhur Bhandarkar's comedy Dil To Bachcha Hai Jee which was supposed to start shooting this week from July 1 has been postponed.
Madhur Bhandarkar confirms these developments. "I was supposed to start shooting with Omi Vaidya and Emran Hashmi from July 1. All the scenes were outdoors in Mumbai, on the streets in public places. We didn't
want the comedy to be restricted to the sets."
Alas, the rain gods had other plans. And now Madhur finds himself stuck with his two leading men's dates threatened with wastage.
Says Madhur, "We're going to start shooting from July 5. Hopefully the rains will be under control by then. If the weather doesn't improve we'll move indoors and shoot in cafes, etc."
In the meanwhile the hunt is still on for a leading lady for Ajay Devgn.
Says Madhur, "We've some time before Ajay joins us to look for the girl."
Monday, July 05, 2010 11:37 IST