'Balika Vadhu' is currently gaining more attention for its off-screen activities. Colors have passed the 'Who-is-the-next-Anandi' baton to the viewers who are SMSing in huge numbers to pick their Anandi from the three short-listed girls – A. Pratyusha Banerjee, B. Nivedita Tiwari, C. Ketaki Chitale.
While the channel hasn't set any timeframe for viewers to SMS their choice, news has it that Jamshedpur's Pratyusha Banerjee has been finalized to play the new Anandi in 'Balika Vadhu'.
A little birdie from the sets informs, "Though 'Balika Vadhu' actors and unit members have a liking for Lucknow's Nivedita Tiwari, it's Jamshedpur's Pratyusha Banerjee who is said to be finalized as new Anandi.
The channel is expected to make an announcement on this in a few days. However, there's no word on who will play the role of Jagdish. Perhaps, the channel has already lined up a replacement or they might ask the viewers to choose."
We called a few actors but they simply refused to comment. Producer Sunjoy Waddhwa didn't revert to our text message.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 13:00 IST