Priyanka Chopra had been replaced by Sameera Reddy in 'Benaam'. The film's producer Snigdha
Patel, daughter of Dinesh Patel's, blames Chopra's truant attitude for the fiasco.
Benaam, which was floated with the director Kuku Kohli at the helm suffered some serious setback
and got delayed by three years. The film casts her in a call-girl's role, which Priyanka apprantly
doesn't want to do at this stage of her career.
No wonder, the irritated Patel went to the IMPAA and lodged a case against Chopra asking for Rs 30
lakh as compensation. Priyanka's business manager, Prakash Jaju, however cites the date problem
as the real cause of the tiff.
"Suddenly they asked for dates in September and October but Priyanka had committed to attend
Shah Rukh's world tour from before," he says.
On the other hand the new director, Anees Bazmi, claims, "Sameera loved the script. If Priyanka says
she had problems with the script she is lying! It is the role of a call girl and I had narrated the story to
her long back. She had even shot for two days wearing short skirts etc. Now suddenly she changed
her mind."
The actress wasn't only spurned but had to cough up Rs 11 lakh to reach a mutual agreement with the
producer. This is Priyanka's second loss in a row after stepping out of Karan Johar's film to be directed
by Soham Shah.
Friday, August 13, 2004 13:54 IST