Bollywood director Imtiaz Ali, who made hits like "Jab We Met" and "Love Aaj Kal", was spotted relishing 'aloo kachori' at a popular joint in Bengali Market Sunday evening.
"Imtiaz was having aloo kachori at Bengali Sweets (in Bengali Market). He was sitting next to the counter. Nobody recognised him and he was enjoying his food. Then came a bunch of college boys and recognised him," Priyanka Bedi, an onlooker, told.
"They surrounded Imtiaz. He was looking a little embarrassed but let the boys click pictures with him," she said.
An alumni of Hindu college, Ali spent quite a few years in the capital. He looked cool and handsome in a blue shirt and a casual pair of jeans. He is apparently scouting for locations and a new face for his next project "Rockstar" that will have Ranbir Kapoor in the male lead.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 13:06 IST