Bollywood's legendary veteran singer, Asha Bhosle has a piece of advice for the perfectionist actor Aamir Khan. The versatile singer wants him to play the role of George Washington, the first president of the United
States. She even wants him to win an Oscar for that role.
The actor has always dreamt of winning an Oscar and he was even close to achieving it with his movie Laagan in 2002. His movie Taare Zameen Par was in the line for an Oscar too. The actor attended the Oscar
Awards ceremony with filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker that year. But, the film lost the award to No Man's Land from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bhosle has her own reasons for the suggestion, she says if the foreign filmmakers can make films on India based themes like Gandhi or Slumdog Millionaire, then the opposite is also possible. She thinks Indian
filmmakers can also make a film on foreign themes and win an Oscar.
Asha Bhosle knows the ability of the actor and she believes Aamir can do that. She said, "If the Englishmen are able to make Oscar (winning) films like Slumdog Millionaire and Gandhi, Aamir should also do a film on
George Washington and finally win the Oscar."
Indian music maestro AR Rahman has already brought an Oscar to India. But, that was for his music of Brtish filmmaker Danny Boyle's movie on an Indian theme. Now, if any actor in the Indian film industry can do it,
he is Aamir Khan and the actor has proved it time and again.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 13:34 IST