Jackky Bhagnani who is currently in South Africa catching the FIFA 2010 seems to have impressed a couple of fans
at the stadium during the Holland v/s Uruguay match with his dancing skills.
We come to know that Jackky, an ardent football fan, was so involved in the game that he broke out into an
impromptu jig when Holland scored the winning goal. That was when a couple of Dutch fans surrounded Jackky and
took a video of him dancing to the FIFA theme song 'Waka Waka'.
Reveals a source, "Jackky was elated when Holland scored the winning goal and broke out into a celebratory jig to
the song 'Waka Waka' and the next thing you know a couple of Dutch fans surrounded him and started cheering
him on while they video shot him dancing. He really had them impressed".
Confirms Jackky Bhagnani, "It was funny how the Ddutch fans started taking a video of me dancing. I didn't pay
much attention to it. I was only too happy that Holland scored the winning goal".
The talented Jackky Bhagnani for now is ready to wow his Indian audience with his dancing skills in his forthcoming
film Faltu.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 11:05 IST