Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Hollywood actress Kate Winslet will be seen together very soon. However, the two actresses are not to be seen in a movie but for cosmetics commercial. The two
ladies will come together in Italy to shoot for the advertisement of L'Oreal.
The latest release of Aishwarya Raavan may not have done well at the office but this has not affected the market value of the beauty queen.
Both the Academy Award winner Kate Winslet and the Bachchan bahu are the brand ambassadors for the same cosmetic brand. A renowned director will shoot the ad with them for two days in Italy.
Ash, who is an ardent admirer of the beauty and talent of Kate, is looking forward to meet her and shoot together. She is very excited to meet Winslet, whom she met briefly in the past.
Ash has been the brand ambassador of L'Oreal for so many years. She is one Bollywood actress, who has been brand ambassador for a number of top international brands.
This TV commercial of L'Oreal is going to be a visual treat for the viewers across the world.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:57 IST