Kollywood star Suriya was recently the center of attraction for all when he landed in Bengaluru to be present at the magnificent launch of the film Jogayya. The film is his friend Shivaraj Kumar's 100th flick.
He was seen at the Urvashi theatre on Monday. He was with his fans and all of them watched Singam, his current block buster.
Afterwards this charismatic star joined the entire team of Jogayya and was a
part of the entire grand celebration. He was accompanied by his friend Puneet Raj Kumar. Post-party Suriya went on to meet Rebel Star Ambareesh.
Suriya also revealed some details about his forthcoming film. It's entitled Raktha Charithra and is being directed by Ram Gopal Varma. The actor says, the film has a perfect blend of commercial as well as artistic
He further says that he has a major role in the flick and is really excited. The first part of the film would be released somewhere in the month of September.
Saturday, July 17, 2010 11:51 IST