Bollywood actor Shreyas Talpade, who debuted with the movie Iqbal, is now trying his hands in production. The actor-turned-producer list is very long in the Indian film industry. With Shreyas' decision to co-produce a
movie with Ajay Jhunjhunwala, has just added one more name to that long list.
Shreyas will turn producer with the film titled Chemistry, which has been penned by Sai Kabir. The lead role in the film will be played by Shreyas himself. The film is likely to go on floors in September.
Earlier, Shreyas has produced a Marathi film titled Sanai Chaughade in 2008. But, in Bollywood, he will turn producer for the first time, with Chemistry. The actor revealed that he is very much thrilled about his first
Bollywood production.
Shreyas says, "I could not resist taking up production when Sai showed the script. I am looking forward to this project, which is a big step for me".
According to Shreyas, the story of the movie is the hero even if he is playing the lead role. He added, "A romantic story of an underdog is told in this comedy. We expect to begin shooting for the film in Paris by this
September. We have almost finalized the female lead".
Writer Kabir who has penned films like Kismat Konnection and Lamhaa, is also making his directorial debut with this film.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:50 IST