Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor has earned a good name in Hollywood after performing in Danny Boyle's film Slumdog Millionaire. He is a familiar face in Hollywood now and it has been proved again on his recent visit to
South Africa.
Former British supermodel Naomi Campbell recently approached to meet this veteran Bollywood actor on his trip to South Africa. The South African government invited the actor to watch the final of FIFA World Cup as
Anil is also the Brand Ambassador of South Africa.
The actor was sitting with some friends like industrialist Lakshmi Mittal and son of President Jacob Zuma at the presidential suite at the Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg. A messenger came to him and informed
that Naomi Campbell wanted to meet him.
And to his utter surprise, Naomi said that she was a huge fan of the show '24', in which he appeared in the final season. The actor also met Naomi's billionaire Russian boyfriend Vladislav Doronin, who accompanied
her. Naomi reportedly recognized Anil from Slumdog Millionaire and his Hollywood TV show '24'.
According to a source, "During the meeting the ex-supermodel kept addressing Anil Kapoor as President and he kept wondering. Later, he realized the reason. The actor had essayed the role of Omar Hassan,
President of the fictional Islamic Republic of Kamistan in the TV series '24'".
Anil exchanged number and email Ids with Naomi and they promised to keep in touch. She also noted down Sonam's number knowing that she is now shooting in London and promised to contact her.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 13:34 IST