Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, who has never acted with two other superstars Akshay Kumar and Priyanka
Chopra, is going to appear with them in a documentary produced by the Income Tax Department of India.
Perfectionist Aamir Khan and the 'khiladi' of Bollywood Akshay Kumar are considered amongst the highest tax
payers in Bollywood. The 20 minute long film is aimed to spread the message of tax compliance.
Veteran actor Om Puri will give narration in his trademark baritone in this documentary, which will also feature
Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will release the documentary on July 24 in New Delhi, which is also going to be
the first-ever Income Tax day celebration in India.
In March 2010, Akshay paid an advance tax of Rs 9 crore that makes a total of Rs 18 crore of tax in the current
financial year. Again, with an advance tax payment of Rs 12 crore, Aamir takes the second spot.
According to a top Income Tax officer involved in the project, "The team of Akshay, Aamir, and Priyanka are a
representation of the youths and spirit of India. These actors are highly successful in life and they pay their income
tax regularly and responsibly".
The journey of taxation in India is presented in the documentary. It will also depict the role of the I-T department in
the collection of direct tax for the Indian government, which is again used for some development projects.
As per the sources, an editing studio is now doing the editing part of the film. It will also release a smaller version of
the documentary with duration of eight minutes.
Friday, July 23, 2010 18:39 IST