Deepika Padukone plays the role of Kalpana Dutta in the Ashutosh Gwariker's next Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey which is based on a true event. The film which is a period thriller is based on the book DO and DIE
written by Manini Chatterjee.
Speaking about Kalpana Dutta director Ashutosh Gowariker said, " Kalpana Dutta was just 17 when the Chittagong Uprising took place. She was a voracious reader and was inspired by stories of the youngest
Along with her friend Pritilata Wadadar, she played different roles within the revolutionary movement, including that of a courier - transporting acid from Calcutta to Chittagong.
After her
arrest, the court took into consideration her age and sex and she was given transportation of life. After she got released in May 1939 she got married to Shri P. C. Joshi (General secretary of the Communist Party of
India). The author Manini Chatterji is her daughter-in-law.
He further added, "Deepika has brought an energy and feistiness to the character of Kalpana Datta which is very endearing. I am enamoured by her performance".
Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey is director Ashutosh Gowariker's first epic period thriller and is based on the book Do And Die by Manini Chatterjee which centres on the Chittagong Uprising of the 1930s. The film has been
shot mostly in Goa along with portions in Mumbai.
Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey is presented by AGPPL and PVR Pictures and is jointly produced by Ajay Bijli, Sanjeev Bijli and Sunita A. Gowariker. Other credits include lyrics Javed Akhtar, music Sohail Sen, costume
designer Neeta Lulla, art director Nitin Desai and director of photography Kiiran Deohans.
Friday, July 30, 2010 10:35 IST