Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt celebrated his 51st birthday on Thursday, away from home in South Africa, with wife Manyata, who flew in to surprise him a day before (Wednesday), despite being advised by doctors to
not do so.
This year on Manyata's birthday, which fell on July 22, the star was away in Africa busy with work, but he ensured that Manyata had a good time with friends and a very special birthday cake.
He had tweeted, "First time in last six years, I am not with my wife for her birthday..missing her a lot..god bless her always."
All that love does not go in vain, as Manyata, who is expected to deliver twin babies in January, despite her delicate condition, reportedly decided to fly off to South Africa and spend the special day with her hubby.
Love poured in from Dutt's colleagues through Twitter as well and Twitterati of all shapes and sizes including Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan and Priety Zinta, who wished the Zinda star.
On his birthday, Dutt tweeted, "Another fleeting year just rolls on..all set to step in2 another year of my life. looking 4ward 4 good work, happiness n d 2 little ones.'
Son of actors Sunil Dutt and Nargis, Sanjay has had an illustrious filmy career that began with 1981 film Rocky, and soon established himself as one of the industry's most loved and celebrated stars.
Often getting in and out of controversies, including the possession of illegal arms case, Dutt was labeled the B-town's bad boy but managed to sail through it and currently lives with his wife Manyata Dutt.
Last year the couple did not celebrate Dutt's birthday as an emotional Munnabhai called off the celebrations after his mentor politician Amar Singh fell ill.
But this year, after consulting multiple doctors and whole lot of precautions and preparations, Manyata flew off to see Sanjubaba turn 51.
Dutt was probably caught unaware as his lady love came to visit him while he worked on an upcoming action movie Knock Out.
For his birthday, Dutt had planned to work hard on the film and get involved closely on the production as he is rumoured to turn a hands-on producer soon.
Otherwise known to be a hassle-free 'director's actor', Dutt is believed to be taking Knock Out quite seriously and he even coordinated a music video for the film almost single-handedly.
Apparently in the film, co-starring Kangna Ranaut, Dutt and Kangna's character never meet and also the film had no songs.
So, Dutt reportedly came with the idea to shoot for a promotional music video featuring him and the Gangster girl.
A rock tune was composed almost overnight by Gaurav Das Gupta and Ahmed Khan was brought in to choreograph it while Sanjay took care of the rest of details after consultations with the team.
Friday, July 30, 2010 10:36 IST