It has been found that Shahid Kapoor, the popular Bollywood actor is affraid of his father. He is presently shooting with his dad Pankaj Kapur for the movie Mausam in Edinburgh.
It is reported that even before the crew left for UK. Shahid was getting addicted to the songs of the cinema. The actor, in fact, loved one of the songs so much that he kept on playing it at his place, at loud volumes.
His father, living one floor below him, was terribly irritated by the loud volume emanating from from his son's flat. He instantly warned his son for two things.
Firstly, Pankaj Kapoor didn't want the peace of the neighbourhood to be disturbed by the very loud music; secondly he didn't want that particular song of the flick Mausam to be leaked out at an early stage. Shahid
being the good son listened to his dad and enjoyed the song via headphones.
Friday, July 30, 2010 11:09 IST