Bollywood megastar, Shahrukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan have been married for the last 19 years and yet there is no reported news of domestic discord. In fact, with everyday, SRK seems to re-fall in love with his
He claims that he feels a sense of immense privilege of having a fantastic wife like Gauri, who affectionately takes care of him and their kids. He recently, in an interview opened up about his feelings for his wife. He
proclaimed that one day doesn't go without him thinking about his wife and he cannot imagine anytime without her.
He also thanked God for blessing him with an amazing family with whom he can share everything that he has in his mind. He can share and talk about his grief and gladness, failure and accomplishment.
He says that he repeatedly thanks God for blessing him. He adds that success is truly necessary and important for him. However, a success with his family is the most important thing that he can ever imagine. He is
a total family guy.
Friday, July 30, 2010 11:47 IST