Barely a few months after her Swayamvar with Rahul Mahajan on a reality TV, Dimpy Ganguly has reported to have walked out of her marriage following an abusive encounter with her husband.
According to the latest news Dimpy left Rahul's residence in Worli after she was physically assaulted by him.
A daily tabloid published her latest pictures where she was seen with injuries in her left thigh and swollen face. She also had bruises in both her hands.
The daily has also quoted Dimpy as saying that during one of her fights Rahul had pointed a gun at her. She disclosed that the unfortunate incident happened in the wee hours on Thursday over a message on her cellphone.
"Rahul was unable to view the SMS as the key pad was locked, he tried to awake me but I asked him to let me sleep. All off a sudden, he turned violent and punched me with hands and legs. Later, he pulled me by the hair from bed," Dimpy told the press.
"I pushed him and managed to hide myself in a passage down the stairs. I called a friend and left the house at 4.00 pm," she added.
Dimpy further said that the problems started after her insistence on appearing for her second year exam. Rahul was not happy with her trips to Kolkata for the same.
When he got angry, he would also get physical. "One such fight got so out of hand that I had to call my mother-in-law. Later he was angry that I had involved his mother in the affair," Dimpy said.
She also alleged that during another fight, Rahul had pointed a gun at her. "He is a nice guy, but when he loses it, there is no telling what he might do."
A few days ago Rahul Mahajan was accused of keeping in touch with his ex-girlfriend Payal Rahotgi. He reportedly sent text messages to Payal, seeking a second chance. However, Payal rejected his overtures.
Rahul's first wife Shweta Singh, who was his childhood friend, had also accused him of physically abusing her. Shweta filed for divorceon 13 December 2007 on grounds of incompatibility and mutual consent of both parties.
Friday, July 30, 2010 13:33 IST