Madhuri Dixit, the evergreen and once sought after Bollywood actress is presently pretty upset. She wishes to re-
connect with her fans via social media network, but can't. She is finding complexity to confirm her actual identity in
the very popular social networking site, 'Twitter'.
Recently, the 'Twitter' bug has caught up with the B-town biggies. There are so many counterfeit accounts in her
name that the fans are having a tough time to track the authentic Madhuri and chat with her.
As per report, Madhuri had joined Twitter on May 30 this year. The verification is taking a lot of time and this is what
is both upsetting and annoying her.
She contacted the headquarters in order to get hold of the fake accounts. She says that she would never want her
fans to be disappointed by talking to her fake identities. The actress has submitted all the requisite credentials
needed for confirmation.
The verification is taking longer than usual, since she's in the USA.
Friday, July 30, 2010 18:57 IST