Sarwar Ahuja, who was lately seen in Balaji Telefilms' 'Keshav Pandit', aired on Zee TV, in the lead role is in a
holiday mood. After the show went off air on July 24, Sarwer made up his mind not to go back to TV soon.
"After working hard for almost 7-8 months, now it's time to chill and relax. I was planning to go for a long trip after
'Keshav Pandit' winds up. Now the planning has been done.
Even my bags are packed. I simply have to lift
my bag and start the journey. I am in no mood to work for a month", says Sarwar.
When asked about his
future plans, he quips, "Once I am back from my tour, I will be back with a bang, or you can say that I will comeback
with something unusual (Laughs)", signs off Sarwar.
Thursday, August 05, 2010 10:49 IST