Maan, played by Gurmeet Choudhary is the protagonist of Star One's popular 'Geet Hui Sabse Parayi', had been living like a loner and the mere sight of girls ticked him off.
He was, however, attracted to the lively girl Geet as played by Drashti Dhami. The producer/director of the show have decided to get in a character from Maan's past, in order to create a degree of anxiety in his new budding romance.
As per the buzz, in the forthcoming episodes a girl will be introduced as Maan's earlier love interest. This is almost like a blast from the past.
This character is supposedly a cameo of few months. The popular Mouni Roy has been finalized to play Maan's past love interest.
It's also heard that the real life couple Debina Bonnerjee and Gurmeet Chaudhary might be roped in the show. However, nothing's been confirmed yet since Debina is busy with another brand new show.
Friday, August 06, 2010 11:04 IST