Popular Indian actor and social activist Rahul Bose said he is against corporal punishment in schools.
"I am against corporal punishment against any child at any school, " said Rahul at an event in Kolkata
"Education is a powerful medium to settle down children, " ha added.
Speaking at the launch of "'Design for Change School Contest-2010" by Riverside School, where he has been named the ambassador for the event, he said that the contest educates the children to bring change in the society.
"It will increase strength in the children, that they can change, " he remarked.
He also spoke against the tainted educational system of the country and stated: "The work of change today will help the children in breaking the corrupted educational system that they will face in future."
"We should think and find to grow a spirit of independence within us by thinking independently, " said the 'Jhankar Beats' actor to a question on what he feels about Independence Day and the concept of independence.
In the "Design for Change School Contest-2010" by Riverside School, the children will
need to send their ideas in the form of a story about how they changed the society in a week's time, in their own ways and fought against social evils like child marriages, filling potholes or converting waste dumps into gardens.
Friday, August 06, 2010 11:08 IST