The Delhi High Court Thursday issued notice to the Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi and his Delhi-based firm Yashi Multimedia Private Limited on a recovery suit filed by Mumbai's Mehta Entertainment company.
Justice S. Ravindra Bhat issued notices to Vivek, along with his father Suresh Oberoi and his sister Megha Oberoi, who are also partners in the firm. They have been asked to file their replies by Nov 1.
The recovery suit has sought Rs.4.86 crore as damages from the actor. As per the suit, Vivek in 2003 entered into an agreement with the company to do stage shows in Canada and US. But later on he failed to perform citing bad health. By that time, Vivek and his company had received an advance amount of $3 lakh from Mehta Entertainment.
The entertainment company, thereafter, sent many letters to the Oberois to return the amount but getting no response, shot off a legal notice to Vivek's firm.
Thereafter, several legal notices were sent in 2008 and 2009 but the actor failed to respond. Finally, the firm approached the Delhi High Court.
Friday, August 06, 2010 11:33 IST