Bollywood hot stars Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra are presently shooting for the film Anjaana Anjaani and the duo is doing their best to play pranks on one another.
They are, in fact, having a series of fun-filled activities along with the shooting. In one such activity, Ranbir Kapoor actually drenched Priyanka by pouring cold drinks over her.
According to one source, in one of the scenes, Ranbir and Priyanka had to fight with each other and the scene required them to throw soft drinks.
In reality, they kept on arguing and playing pranks on each other. However, the funny part started when the shooting commenced. Ranbir got so carried away with the scene that he took a complete carton and poured
it completely on Priyanka. It is said that her clothes were drenched and her make-up was ruined.
The shoot had to be called off for a total of three hours. She had to get her make up on again and change clothes.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 13:36 IST