Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan's Khatta Meetha recently received a request from The Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The library wishes to acquire a copy of the screenplay of the film.
Khatta Meetha is largely a political satire on the municipal and construction dealings in India told through Sachin Tichkule's (Akshay Kumar) life. It aims at highlighting and revealing the various facets and levels of bribing and crooked tricks required for a common man to survive the system.
Official sources reveal that Akshay Kumar was approached by the Beverly Hill based library to contribute towards their collection of scripts from around the world. The scripts in this collection are then made accessible for research purposes by students, filmmakers, writers, and actors.
"The makers of Khatta Meetha were approached by the chief script librarian at the Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for a copy of the script based on the life of a common man caught in an uncommon situation.
It's a big honor for the makers to have their screenplay housed in the permanent Academy Core Collection", adds a source.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:15 IST