The 'Emotional Atyachaar' show of UTV Bindass is very popular among the youngsters and the channel is now trying to syndicate the format of it to the US.
The popularity of the show has inspired the channel to earn some money from it. The business head of UTV Bindass, Nikhil Gandhi says, "Emotional Atyachaar is an entirely new concept with fresh format. We are trying to explore the opportunities of syndicating the format of the show to the US."
Gandhi has refused to admit if there is any similarity between this show and the international show 'Cheaters'. The mentioned international show is based on spying on one's partner. He said that 'Emotional Atyachaar' shows young couples on the stage and 'Cheaters' deals with only married couples.
UTV Bindass is now in talks with Shemaroo to launch the home videos of 'Emotional Atyachaar'.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:16 IST