Veteran Bollywood actress Rekha is reportedly going to act in a TV serial titled 'Ganga Ki Deej', which will be produced by Harry Baweja. The evergreen beauty is likely to be cast opposite another veteran actor Kabir
Bedi, who will be playing a Thakur.
The makers are still in talks with this pricy actress. In the meantime, they have finalized the rest of the casts. Whoever else be in the show but if Rekha is convinced to be a part of it, the show is sure to run high on the
scale of TRPs.
There were rumors about the actress entering television since a long time. In fact, she confessed considering the idea of venturing into television in an interview. It was because of the continuous demand from people
urging her to take the plunge.
The actress, who has offered many Bollywood blockbusters in 70s and 80s, says, "I have already prepared a plan of what I want to do. It would be something people have never watched in Indian television.
don't want to be a part of any talk show or game show. It will be something totally unique. However, I would not like to disclose it before I finalize the deal with the channel and few other details."
Well, whatever plan she makes and whichever channel she chooses, the millions of fans of this actress will wait breathlessly to see her soon on the small screen!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 13:05 IST