Yesteryear actor and father of the Bollywood hunk Ranbir Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor is renovating his Mumbai's Pali Hill bungalow called Krishna Raj. There's a reason to it.
The bungalow is going to be more spacious than it was and one of the reasons behind the renovation is Ranbir Kapoor. Ranbir Kapoor says that as soon as he will get his perfect match, he would settle down. He badly
wants to start a family.
Rishi Kapoor has decided to transform his bungalow into a 14-storeyed building since he is sure that his son would get married one day. Ranbir confirms it and says that a bigger family would obviously require a bigger
He hopes to settle down soon enough. He adds that he's all set to create a solid base in the Bollywood motion picture industry. He feels attached to Krishna Raj because his memories are associated with this house.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 13:27 IST