It’s a celebration time for Nandita Das and Subodh Maskara’s family. On Wednesday at 10:45 am actress Nandita Das gave birth to a baby boy in a city hospital. Nandita’s industrialist hubby Subodh Maskara informed media about the good news, "We are very happy. Nandita and the baby are fine. Our families are rejoicing."
Subodh added that they have not yet decided any name and still basking in the joy of parenthood. But he informed that he and Nandita were shopping for few months for the new member. “Shopping toh bahut chal hi rahi thi,” Subodh said with a smile on his face.
When asked what the couple really wanted, boy or girl, he informed, "We really had no preferences whether we wanted a son or a daughter. We just wanted a healthy baby."
Congratulation to Nandita and Subodh!
Thursday, August 12, 2010 13:03 IST